Classifier of threats to mankind
The subjects of threats to humanity have been revealed as a result of research by a number of scientific research organizations and social movements.
According to the research by the institutes of the Academy of Ecosocial Technologies, the subjects of threats to human civilization are sociopaths (mentally ill people) who have infiltrated the governing bodies of international and national organizations.
Sociopathy (dissocial personality disorder) means a persistent disturbance of a person's character which complicates his social adaptation, accompanied by neglect of moral foundation and legal norms. In the literal sense, it can be translated as "socio" - society, "pathy" - disease. Literally, sociopathy is a disease that is dangerous to society. The disease manifests itself in the loss of moral sense , conscience, empathy. This leads to the formation of harmful to others behavior of a sociopath.
According to F60.2 (ICD 10), dissocial personality disorder is characterized as follows. It is a personality disorder characterized by disregard of social responsibilities and unwavering persistent indifference to others. There is a significant discrepancy between the behavior of a sociopath and basic social norms. Behavior is difficult to change based on experience. The application of punishment in the case of sociopathy is ineffective since the patient of this type is not corrected during the punishment, but concentrates on further revenge and the continuation of his arbitrary treatment of and harm to people.
Sociopaths are unable to follow the prevailing international and national norms of law and morality, to live in harmony and in peace with neighboring states.
They love strong sensations, they are impulsive, they are devoid of a sense of responsibility, despite numerous mistakes they are not able to learn from negative experiences. It is these individuals who generate conflicts and threats to humanity, ignite local and world wars, create the threat of the use of nuclear weapons. lead humanity to destruction.
Sociopaths not only evade diagnosis and treatment, they also show aggression towards persons who have pointed out specific signs of mental illness. They settle scores with them, seek removal from office, up to physical elimination for making a diagnosis.
The object of threats is the population of the whole world.
The means of realizing threats is the desubjectivation of citizens, depriving them of the ability to think critically and to be socially active, of the ability and willingness to defend their rights and freedoms.
The way to implement the threats is to seize and misuse the international and national authorities using the deliberate psychopathization of the population and endarkenment so that the citizens of the world accept the deception by sociopaths for the truth.
The technology of implementing threats is monetarism, the ideology of money based on the universal belief in money as a universal force. This belief replaces the main value (man) by a manipulative one (money) in the goal-setting and meaning of life of every citizen. It manifests itself in the form of a substitution of values, ideals, the purpose of human life (a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value, which is fixed in all laws and constitutions of capitalist countries) for another universal value, ideal, meaning of life - to receive as much money as possible.
Money as an ideology is an idea, a value, the meaning of life in the accumulation of larger and larger amounts of money.
Money as a religion is the belief in money as a universal means of solving any issue of life activities of a subject – you gave money and solved any problem. For each unsolvable question, an even larger amount of money is allocated. Whoever has no money has no power, no influence, and no life itself. Without money, a person gets depression. He is tormented by failed dreams of personal enrichment. The function of prayer is performed by a personal regular recalculation of his money.
Money as a technology is a mark (social rating) of each person with the amount of money available to him. Sociopaths have seized control of the production and distribution of money. They arbitrarily decide whom to appoint rich and whom to leave poor, providing a sum of money in return for their behavior.
The asocial logic of sociopaths is as follows: to become masters of the world, you need to make money for each controlled subject the meaning of life. And then take away from him this meaning of life, depriving him of money, a job, driving him into depression and thus accelerating his physical death. Social death comes from deprivation of access to money (there is no possibility to pay for a lucrative position), and physical death begins from depression, which begins to progress due to lack of money.
The Classifier of threats to humanity was created to ensure the moral solidarity of citizens against social parasites, saboteurs, and sociopaths.
The practical use of the Classifier of Threats to Humanity is aimed at protecting the rights of citizens to work, social protection, education, moral medicine, promoting the moral economic, social, political, spiritual development of citizens and countries of the world.
Taking into account by every citizen in his political, social, economic, legal, medical, scientific, educational and cultural activities of the data included in the Classifier of Threats to Humanity is his practical contribution to ensuring peace and security throughout the world.
Citizens of the whole world, including the heads of international and national public authorities, can use the Classifier of Threats to Humanity in order to form a moral atmosphere on planet Earth.
Recording and registration of amendments and extensions to the Classifier of Threats to Humanity is carried out by the International Movement of Volunteers of the "Moral Solidarity" moral path
Classifier of threats to humanity
Threats to humanity
1. Sociopaths.
2. Mental modesty of citizens.
3. Social passivity and cowardice of citizens.
Contents of threats to humanity
1. Sociopaths
Sociopaths, using the mental modesty of citizens, formed due to the collapse of education systems around the world, take over government authorities in all countries of the world. Having lost conscience and a sense of compassion, without feeling the moral suffering of society, sociopaths begin to assert themselves in their existence, creating all sorts of arbitrariness. Historians and propagandists hired by sociopaths describe their arbitrariness as correct national and international policy.
Signs of sociopathy in a governmental executives or an international statesman:
an immoral person, violates the III-C rule: harms other people and the environment by thought, word and deed; does not create, but robs other people by thought, word and deed.
does not perform under agreements;
uses criminal methods of governance and putting pressure on other countries;
blackmails with the use of weapons of mass destruction, primarily nuclear weapons;
starts lethal wars, directs masses of people to death;
ignores the opinion of specialists and experts, is unable to conduct an equal dialogue with them and draw conclusions from the dialogue and perform actions recommended by specialists;
forms government authorities as a criminal group, selecting to such group persons with criminal records, for whom there is blackmail material.
Typical examples of sociopaths: Napoleon, Hitler, Mao, Gorbachev, Yeltsin and other so-called "great people" who, as a result of their rule, led to the death of millions of people, collapsed their states.
Sociopaths are an endogenous threat to humanity.
They, disguising their arbitrariness, form allegedly external exogenous causes of various crises. For example, historical materialism (supposedly independent of the will of man change of economic formations), climate change, an asteroid flying to Earth, aliens, viruses and the like. They hide behind these threats, diverting society's attention from the root cause of all crises and from the threat – their own parasitic behavior.
Any threat has beneficiaries who profit from the newly emerged threat.
Prevention of sociopathies in government authorities and international coordination is carried out by use of blocking ecosocial technology (BEST).
BEST technology for every citizen:
1. Personally embark on a moral path, stop harming yourself, other people and the environment.
2. If you see the harm, say no by thought, word, deed. Disagree with the arbitrariness of sociopaths. Ignore information garbage and lies that sociopaths spread. Make assessments yourself, not relay other people's thoughts.
3. Discuss and assess sociopaths in discourse-analytic networks. An example of such a network: Global Morality GN (https://globalnrav. ast. social).
4. Invite as many other citizens, specialists and experts as possible to discuss and assess. The number and quality of participants in the discussion and assessment determines the onset of blocking the parasitic harmful activity of a sociopath who has become the object of group expert and mass ethical assessment.
5. Actively inform the public by all means of communication about the results of the condemnation and assessment of a particular sociopath. Then the blocking effect, which is called the visualization of negative civil consent, will work. All citizens agree that sociopaths are to blame for everything.
2. Mental modesty
The mental modesty of citizens is associated with the fact that creative behavior requires a lot of energy input. The human brain is designed in such a way that it tries to minimize energy costs at the first opportunity. For this, a person forms habits, patterns, behavioral patterns that allow not to think, to act automatically.
This circumstance is aggravated by the primitivization of education, minimization of enlightenment. Undeveloped and stupid people with chronic mental laziness are easy to manage.
Mental modesty is overcome through problem-based learning and moral education.
This kind of people sometimes study well (they often have a good memory), not only in secondary school, but even in high school. By the time they come into life when they have to apply their knowledge to reality, to show a certain initiative - they turn out to be completely sterile.
They know how to keep themselves in society, talk about the weather, say formulaic, banal things, but do not show any originality (hence the expression "Salon blodsinn" - salon dementia).
They cope well with life only in certain, narrow, long-established frameworks of household use and material well-being. On the other hand, this includes elementarily simple, primitive people, devoid of spiritual requests, but coping well with the simple requirements of a trade, sometimes even without major misunderstandings working in trading, at government and municipal authorities, in management of commercial companies and corporations.
Signs of mental modesty, established in the USSR by scientists V.A. Chigirev, V.M. Vorobyov, P.I. IUnatskevich may refer to:
1. Curiosity is lost. A person is not interested in complex phenomena of social reality, such as morality, justice, patriotism. These words for them are just slogans that they are able to repeat. But they are not able to apply them in their life as they are focused on personal survival and well-being. They are not capable of mutual assistance. They cannot support a moral initiative or a creative activity because of bouts of uncontrollable greed and envy.
2. There are no spiritual requests which are understood as human activity aimed at creating for other people. Carrying out labor activity for the sake of other people, creating and transmitting to them spiritual and material values, a person develops spiritually. The degradation of the spiritual sphere is associated with the limitation of human activity aimed at satisfying one's biological needs: the need for nutrition, reproduction and dominance.
3.Greater suggestibility, a constant willingness to obey the voice of the majority, public opinion, the opinion of the boss, the leader. These are people of pattern, banality, fashion, environment (Milieumenschen), but not quite in the sense of unstable psychopaths. Those people follow colorful example of this environment, for an immoral example, for a "sin", and here, on the contrary, good conduct.
4. Mentally challenged people always show conservatism. Out of a natural sense of self-defense, they hold on to the old, to which they are accustomed and to which they have adapted, and are afraid of everything new. An excess of mediocre people is a threat to modern civilization because of their little mind. They imitate the behavior of superiors and are not able to generate other forms of behavior that can be mediated through the mechanism of imitation to other people, including leaders.
As for people with explicit suggestibility, everything human, all human weaknesses and, above all, fear and despair are dear and intrinsic to them . They very easily give reactive states, following the corresponding injuries; acute paranoid - after mobilization, arrest and staying in prison, acute depression - after loss of money and property, acute hypochondria - after a terrible diagnosis, etc.
5. Constitutionally stupid also include subjects who are distinguished by great conceit, high self-esteem. They utter common words with a pompous solemn look or ornate phrases that have no meaning, representing a set of lofty words without content. There is no meaning in their speech and they themselves do not understand the meaning of the words that they repeat when the opportunity arises, if they find the listener.
6. Rhetorical exercises as a characteristic sign of stupidity, the desire of the subject to have his own judgment about everything, which leads to gross errors, to uttering as truth of ridiculous maxims based on ignoring elementary logic. Nevertheless, such subjects are able to do more than they know, as a result of which in elementary life they often turn even more adapted than the so-called intelligent people, whose conscience and doubts prevent them from performing the simplest everyday actions, for example, to write a complaint against an offender, to express their critical opinion out loud.
Mentally modest people are a breeding ground for the reproduction and dominance of sociopaths.
Prevention of mental modesty is carried out in educational institutions through pedagogical technology.
This technology includes the following elements:
1. Values - moral guidelines of a person transmitted from generation to generation and cultivated, forming his worldview, goals and ways of life, underlying the civilizational identity of a citizen as a moral and just person.
2. The moral guidelines of a person are determined by his morality.
Morality is a general expression of human properties that perform the function of ethical regulation of relations between members of society. A special mood of thinking and behavior, allowing you not to harm yourself, others, the environment. It is formed with the help of other citizens and organizations that constantly correct the behavior and self-judgement of a person.
3. Values are formed by education and moral development of citizens aimed at the formation of harmless and constructive behavior in all spheres of life.
4. The preservation and strengthening of values is ensured by the moral integrity of man, society and the state. Human morality is a necessary condition for the very existence of values.
5. For the development of morality in educational institutions and other organizations, a moral lesson shall be held.
In the course of the lesson of morality, citizens master the ability to give public moral assessments of events and actions that are committed by other subjects. The ability to recognize immoral actions in one's own behavior, and the behavior of other citizens and organizations, is a mandatory educational result of conducting a moral lesson.
The preparation and implementation of a moral lesson is provided by government and municipal authorities, coordinated by civil society institutions, interested citizens and organizations.
6. Moral education and the promotion of morality shall be organized in the mass media and with the help of information and communication resources. Enlightenment aims to illustrate the benefits of moral behaviour and provides civil society with examples of legal responsibility for immorality, unethical behavior and lack of conscience.
7. The preservation and strengthening of values shall be ensured and supported by the openness of social processes, procedures of governance and local governance, by free discussion and ethical assessment of the behavior of citizens and organizations.
8. Ethical assessment is the assessment by citizens of the morality of the actions (inactivity) of other citizens and organizations of citizens from the standpoint of causing or not causing harm and threats in order to prevent immoral behavior. The process of ethical assessment is open, regulated by society and the state.
The basis of ethical evaluation is committing by a citizen or organization of an act that is assessed by other persons as harmful or threatening to them. A negative ethical assessment shall dissuade a person from unjust actions towards other people.
9. Justice shall be established and supported by the moral actions of citizens and organizations. Governance and local governance are carried out from a moral standpoint. All decisions of government and local government authorities are of a moral nature which ensures their legitimacy and fairness.
10. Patriotism arises as a consequence of moral behavior, of establishment and maintenance of justice in society and the state, ensures the readiness of citizens to defend the Fatherland.
11. Immorality is condemned by society and the state, unworthy and harmful behavior of citizens is publicly condemned. Citizens can evaluate the actions of managerial personnel. This process is complemented by public discussion, condemnation or approval.
12. Failure to comply with moral standards is the basis for subsequent dismissal upon loss of trust, which ensures the solidarity of society with government and municipal authorities, guarantees public and state security.
Citizens and organizations regulate their activities taking into account ethical assessments. Taking into account a positive or negative ethical assessment is carried out independently in the form of taking appropriate measures to restore and maintain public and state trust, to preserve one's reputation.
Technology of problem-based learning for every citizen:
1. Knowledge and skills are obtained and formed in a discourse-analytical process associated with the solution of a specific life problem. Discourse is an open discussion of the process of finding a solution to a problem, when specialists and experts can get arbitrarily included in this discussion, whose assessments allow the student to gain new knowledge, to form the ability to solve the life task.
2. The main educational task associated with human survival is to identify and limit the arbitrariness of a sociopath. A student learns to say "no" to a sociopath by thought, word, deed. A student exercises to disagree with the arbitrariness of sociopaths. Learns to recognize and ignore deception and lies in information flows. Learns to publicly express his assessments and critical judgment. Master the production of his own logical assessments and comments to express his moral and legal position.
3. The formation of the ability to discuss and assess sociopaths is carried out in discourse-analytical networks. An example of such a network: Global Morality GN (https://globalnrav. ast. social).
4. A student is trained in the methods of expanding the participants in the discussion and assessment with the involvement of a larger number of citizens, specialists, experts. The onset of blocking the parasitic harmful activity of a sociopath who has become an educational object of group expert and mass ethical assessment depends on the number and quality of participants in the discussion and assessment.
5. The ability to actively inform society by all means of communication about the results of condemnation and assessment of a particular sociopath is formed so that a visualization of negative civil consent arises.
Education and enlightenment are institutional means of preventing sociopathy.
3. Civil cowardice
Civil cowardice is the refusal to fulfill or not fulfill civil duties to protect one's rights and freedoms, as well as to protect the rights and freedoms of others due to fear.
Cowardice leads to the degeneration of society, the collapse of the state, the loss of rights, freedoms and life itself.
The prevention of civil cowardice is carried out with the help of the pedagogical technology described above.
When training psychiatrists and psychologists in each country, it is recommended to train them in the diagnosis and treatment of sociopathy, to carry out independent monitoring of the mental health of public persons .
The medical community is recommended, in case of detection of signs of sociopathy, mental modesty and civil cowardice in public persons, to openly inform the public about the identified source of threats to humanity and demand the removal of this person for treatment with suspension from office.
A psychiatrist, a psychologist who has let a sociopath into government and municipal authorities should be deprived of professional trust of medical, psychiatric, and psychological communities.
Overcoming civil cowardice in the medical (including psychiatric and psychological) community is a condition for the prevention of sociopathy in public authorities.
Classifier passport
Name of the classifier: Classifier of threats to humanity.
Author of the idea of the Classifier of Threats to Humanity: International Movement of Volunteers of the "Moral Solidarity" Moral Path.
Classifier correctors: experts, persons capable of generating new knowledge.
Method of creating and correcting the classifier: discourse-analytical method.
The principle of the classifier function: expert group and mass assessment of threats to humanity from the standpoint of III-C moral rule: not harming oneself (C1), neighbors (C2), habitat (C3) neither by thought, nor by word, nor by deed; creation for oneself, neighbors, environment by thought, word, deed.
Morality is a general expression of features of a human being that performs the function of ethical regulation of relations between members of society.
Special mood of thinking and behavior allowing you not to harm yourself, others, the environment. It is formed with the help of other citizens and organizations that constantly correct the behavior and self-assessment of a person.
The moral education of citizens is aimed at the formation of harmless and constructive behavior in all spheres of life.
The security of mankind is ensured by the moral integrity of man, society and the state. Human morality is a necessary condition for the very existence of all mankind.
Classifier registration number: K-000 2.2022.
The registration of the classifier was performed by the International Movement of Volunteers of the "Moral Solidarity" Moral Path on September 24 , 2022, St. Petersburg.